Land Rover Original Technical Service Publication LTP3017 LR4
Here we have a new Land Rover Original Technical Service Publication for:
- LR4 / Discovery 4 | 2009 - 2012
# LTP3017USB
Handy and easy to use!
Original Technical Publications
The days of hunting around auto-jumbles for grubby and damaged workshop manuals, parts lists and owner manuals are over! At least they are if you own one of the many classic Land Rover and Range Rover models covered in the range of Original Technical Publications compilations.
Land Rover Original Technical Publications
Carefully reproduced from the extensive historical archives in England and in the USA, we are pleased to give you access to the original Land Rover publications needed to run and maintain your classic Land Rover, including parts catalogues (most models), service manuals and owner’s literature. Original parts books, workshop manuals and handbooks for Land Rovers and Range Rovers have always been greatly sought after, and rightly so: nothing compares to a Land Rover workshop manual compiled by the car’s manufacturer. Now owners and enthusiasts have the opportunity to effortlessly collect all the original publications for their favorite Land Rover or Range Rover, on one handy and cost-effective title.
These publications are the original publications used by the Land Rover parts department, service garages and sales departments when these cars were still in production and being serviced. Each section provides detailed information on major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Compiled in an easy to understand format, these publications contain step by step processes designed for the mechanic and the enthusiast. In addition most manuals are filled with detailed illustrations and sometimes photographs and diagrams to help with identification of components and proper assembly.
What’s more, you can find information and links to Land Rover Cars, Land Rover Heritage, Land Rover Clubs and Original Technical Publications. Check out the latest picture galleries, video and media archives - even download classic Land Rover and Range Rover wallpaper to personalize your computer, tablet or phone.
Portable USB eBook Product Features
> Printable - print only the pages you need
> Viewable & zoomable
> Searchable - search the entire section in seconds
> Bookmarked - manuals are bookmarked to quickly locate sections
> Internet not required
> Portable between Windows computers
> Secure documents are instantly accessible just like ordinary files
Which is best for me?
The Original Technical Publications are available in two formats - USB eBook or DVD with online access.
Windows PC user - Portable USB eBook or DVD with online access
Apple OSX user - DVD with online access*
Note - DVD option for OSX not suitable for retina displays, for retina displays use Online feature.
Apple iOS user - DVD via the online access
Android user - DVD via the online access
Note - Printing not available for Apple OSX or iOS applications unless running a Windows emulation software.
USB eBook Product
Original Technical Publications are offered on a range of portable USBs for Windows PC users. Installation of viewer on host computer is all that is required as the user license is bound to the USB. Internet access is not required for use or activation unless the user is prompted to check for a viewer update for the particular device where the USB is being used. Each portable USB eBook is a portable software product, no registration or activation is required. DRM license is bound to the supplied USB enabling product access only to that particular portable USB.
System Requirements
> PC Windows 2000 or later
> USB Port
> Safeguard Windows PDC viewer must be installed (pre-loaded on USB)
> Safeguard License (pre-loaded on USB)
> Execute rights must be allowed *
Note - Some companies prevent users from running executable files from USB devices. Since the OTP Navigation and PDC viewer applications run as EXE (executable) files on the USB device, USB access must be allowed to run on the device where the USB will be used.
USB eBook Contents
Service Publications
Service Manual - Discovery IV (LR4) 2009 to 2012
Electrical Wiring Diagrams - Discovery IV (LR4) (RHD) (5a) VIN: 513326 on
Electrical Wiring Diagrams - Discovery IV (LR4) (LHD) (5a) VIN: 513326 on
Electrical Wiring Diagrams - Discovery IV (LR4) (RHD) (1b) VIN: 524545 on
Electrical Wiring Diagrams - Discovery IV (LR4) (LHD) (1b) VIN: 524545 on
Electrical Wiring Diagrams - Discovery IV (LR4) (RHD) (2a) VIN: 551545 on
Electrical Wiring Diagrams - Discovery IV (LR4) (LHD) (2a) VIN: 551545 on
Technical Information
2004 LR3 New Product Information Student Workbook
Technical Bulletins - North America
Vehicle Specifications 2007 to 2011
Owner's Literature
Owner's Handbook (issue 1) - 2009 to 2012
Owner's Handbook (issue 2) - 2009 to 2012
Additional Handbooks
Driver's Information System Handbook - 2004 to 2009
Audio System Supplement - 2004 to 2009
Navigation Handbook - 2004 to 2009
Supplementary Information
Sales Brochure - 2010 (version 1) Discovery LR4 (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2010 (version 2) Discovery LR4 (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2011 Discovery LR4 (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2012 Discovery LR4 (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2012 Discovery LR4 (Rest of World)
Sales Brochure - 2013 Discovery LR4 (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2014 Discovery LR4 (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2010 Model Range (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2011 Model Range (North America)
Sales Brochure - 2011 Model Range (North America)
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